
IFJA By-Laws (Updated October 2023)



  1. The organization's name is to be known as the Indiana Film Journalists Association (IFJA).

  2. The IJFA was established in 2009. 


  1. Mission statement

    1. Objective: To promote and further professional-level film criticism in the state of Indiana. 

    2. Our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion: The IFJA believes comprehensive diversity of opinion goes hand-in-hand with comprehensive diversity of gender, race, creed, culture and sexual orientation. To encourage such diversity, equity and inclusion within the group's ranks — and spur innovation and promote growth in the field of film criticism in Indiana — the IFJA encourages critics of all genders, races, creeds, cultures and sexual orientations to apply for organizational membership. 


  1. Active Membership

    1. ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP. An active member is defined as a member of the IFJA who is based in the State of Indiana and creates regular, consistent film criticism throughout the year (with a minimum frequency of 24 published pieces in a calendar year; see Production Requirements). Only active members may vote in the group's year-end film awards. 

      1. Active members will be required to provide proof they have met requirements each year. Members may submit a document that includes links, outlet, and dates of publication for their output.

    2. INACTIVE MEMBERSHIP. If an active member fails to meet the criteria established in the section above, they will be considered inactive for the following calendar year. Inactive members can participate in discussions on policy and admittance of new members but cannot vote in any official organizational matters — including policies, bylaw changes or additions, new member voting, and end-of-year awards voting. Upon its determination, inactive membership would  begin the year following the member's non-adherence to membership criteria (i.e., members who do not produce sufficient levels of film criticism in 2023 would become inactive members effective January 1, 2024). 

      1. Inactive members can be reinstated to active membership by providing evidence of meeting active membership criteria via a list (including links, tearsheets or other materials that demonstrate sufficient production) to the membership committee.

      2. Inactive members are not eligible to vote in either IFJA business or during year-end awards until their membership is back in good/full standing. 

      3. Inactive members can remain inactive for up to two  (2) consecutive calendar years, upon which time they will lose organizational membership status altogether. Those who lose organizational membership status and wish to rejoin the IFJA must re-apply for membership.

      4. Members may appeal the status of membership changes to the membership committee, which will make a ruling based on the member's adherence to membership criteria and will accept new evidence of adherence.

    3. NEW MEMBERS. New members are admitted with a majority vote of active members after applying to the membership committee. New members should display evidence of at least two (2) consecutive years of regular, significant, professional production of film criticism (as defined below in Production Requirements). "Professional" is a designation of the quality, integrity, and consistency of work and a demonstration of  maturity, depth, and insightfulness in analysis,  not necessarily the receipt of financial compensation. Prospective Members are encouraged to produce content at or above the minimum active-member threshold of twenty-four (24) annual pieces for active members to be considered for membership. Membership is granted based on individual merit, not one’s standing with a specific publication. Members admitted to the group after July 1 in a given year will be excluded from year-end voting in that calendar year but are invited to participate in deliberations at the annual meeting and granted full voting privileges moving forward as long as they retain active membership status. 

    4. SABBATICALS / LEAVES OF ABSENCE. Members may request an exemption to the production rule or request a hiatus from voting membership contingent on sufficient, specific and timely communication of any such requests ahead of each year’s voting deadline. Members may request a leave of absence for a period of time. Members can request an indefinite leave at their discretion and return in good standing with a formal written announcement to the group. While on a leave of absence, the member's award-voting privileges will be suspended but they can continue to offer input and vote on policies, membership and bylaws. Upon returning, the member will be subject to the active membership criteria, prorated through the remainder of the year they have missed.

    5. EMERITUS STATUS. Veteran members with at least 10 years as an active IFJA member, and who wish to permanently step away from the criteria for active membership, may request emeritus status, to be granted by a majority vote.

      1. Emeritus status is a special conferral that requires a majority vote of IFJA membership to bestow. As such an honor, emeritus status is not intended as a replacement for retirement or exit from the IFJA; it is a special honor meant to recognize significant contributions and years of service. 

      2. Emeritus members retain voting privileges on IFJA business, but not on year-end awards at the Annual Meeting.

    6. LEAVING THE GROUP: Any member wishing to leave the group must send sufficient, specific and timely communication of such a status change ahead of each year’s voting deadline. They will lose all privileges of membership in the organization.

    7. REGIONAL REQUIREMENTS: All members must reside within the state of Indiana for the majority of the calendar year. Any members not meeting this requirement must notify the group for removal of their membership and all attendant privileges.

  2. Production Requirements

    1. Active IFJA members are expected to produce consistent, professional film reviews or commentary in any medium, with a minimum of twenty-four (24) professional-level, published pieces per year. 

    2. The requirement to create  twenty-four (24) consistent, substantial, professional-level, published pieces per year can be met through written articles published in print or online, video reviews, broadcast reviews, podcast episodes / appearances, speaking engagements at film-related events, or other emerging or established media forms.

      1. Exclusions/Additional Metrics for Inclusion

        1. Mini reviews (e.g., printed / online reviews of two hundred [200] words or less) will be considered at a twenty-five percent (25%) equivalent to a full review / podcast / broadcast.

          1. For example, four (4) mini-reviews would constitute one full entry toward the minimum annual production requirement of twenty-four (24).

        2. The following will not count toward a production requirement:

          1. Broadcast / podcast cameos (e.g., appearances that take up insubstantial or negligible portions of a broadcast / podcast, or for which the member is not a primary contributor).

          2. Content that appears only in status updates on social media sites or Letterboxd.

  3. Annual Meeting Requirements

    1. The IFJA bestows annual awards to recognize the best and brightest of each movie year. Members must endeavor to watch as much of the field of potential and final nominees as possible.

    2. Participation is required in the balloting process from early- to mid-December. If a member is unable to attend the yearly meeting at least in part, they must submit an absentee ballot prior to the meeting  and be readily available on the day of the meeting for tie-breaking votes.

    3. Proof of production requirement

      1. Each active IFJA member must submit proof that they have fulfilled the annual production requirement of twenty-four (24) substantial, professional-level published pieces:

        1. At least 24  substantial, professional-level published pieces, with easily accessed links

        2. Applicable events and representation toward the professional requirement

        3. This document must be submitted to the membership committee two weeks before the annual meeting.

  4. Behavior

    1. Members will engage with each other in a manner that is respectful and collegial, especially in forums where their interactions are public and in their published / recorded / broadcast reviews.

    2. They will also show appropriate behavior when attending any public events as a part of or on behalf of the IFJA.

    3. Members must also display professionalism when attending public film-related events or functions they are not attending as a part of or on behalf of the IFJA — as their comments and / or behavior could still be considered representative of the group.

    4. Members must also display professionalism on social media, especially when speaking on matters related to film criticism, screenings, and press access we receive. Comments about screenings or studio reps should be carefully considered before posting to a public space. 

    5. Members who repeatedly or egregiously violate behavior standards are subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension or expulsion from the group. 

    6. Embargoes: Studio-mandated embargoes should be honored in good faith by IFJA members.  

    7.  Junkets / Gifts: The IFJA has no specific policy prohibiting members from accepting junket trips from studios. However, IFJA critics are expected at all times to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with professional journalistic standards:

      1. There will be no agreement, implied or otherwise, for a positive review / coverage in exchange for access or payment.

      2. There will be no acceptance of lavish gifts.

      3.  We strongly encourage members to avoid boastful tones or complaints, in public forums or online, regarding promotional materials and screeners they receive."

      4. Members must agree to not have prewritten quotes attributed to their names.

      5. Any additional behavior that could be considered inconsistent with professional journalistic standards will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

  5. Dues

    1. All IFJA members are required to support the organization with nominal contributions in support of the agency's annual expenses — including website hosting fees, website domain fees and the annual physical trophy given to the winner of each year’s Edward Johnson-Ott Hoosier Award.

    2. The current annual contribution amount is approximately fifteen dollars ($15). This is subject to change according to variations in expenses and membership.

    3. IFJA members will be annually informed of the amount due to be paid during the organization's annual meeting.

    4. Dues are paid to officers appointed to duties that require dues collection, including maintenance/upkeep of the IFJA website and the creation and shipping of the Edward Johnson-Ott Hoosier Award. 


  1. Selection

    1. Administrative roles are filled on a volunteer basis and are usually determined at the annual meeting. Those serving in administrative roles serve in that capacity for the following year, until the next annual meeting, when new officers will be selected. There are no restrictions on the number of consecutive terms that may be served, but any member expressing interest in an administrative position should generally be given the opportunity to serve, and officers should step aside to allow others to serve in a good-faith capacity,

  2. Awards

    1. Edward Johnson-Ott Hoosier Award. The Hoosier Award Officer will be responsible for collecting dues funds for creating the physical award (including shipping and handling costs), and in coordinating with the recipient to be given the award.

  3. Chair

    1. The Chair officer coordinates the annual meeting, arriving at a date for the meeting and communicating it to the member body, and establishes and enforces procedures to ensure the meeting proceeds in an efficient way. 

    2. The Chair officer coordinates tallying votes and solicits the help of other IFJA members (to be chosen from volunteering other IJFA members. 

  4. Communications

    1. Press Release. At least one IFJA member will author a press release, which is to be reviewed by other IFJA members prior to release, outlining all of the award winners. Before publishing, multiple IFJA members should have sufficient opportunity to propose language changes, edits, and corrections to the document. This generally happens on the day following voting, before sending to media outlets and publishing. 

    2. Social Media. At least one IFJA member will be responsible for sharing members’ work to official IFJA social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). The work shared to IFJA socials will be that which is properly submitted through a designated communication channel established by this officer. More than one IFJA member should have access to social logins and be able to make additions and changes.

    3. Website. At least one IFJA member will be responsible for maintaining and posting as necessary to the website, including regular updates to members, award winners and news announcements, and any other updates, edits, or other changes. More than one IFJA member should have access to the website login and be able to make changes to the site.

  5. Recorders / Secretaries

    1. Bylaw maintenance. An IFJA member will be designated to maintain bylaws. Bylaws will live as a PDF, but the Chair and all communications officers will retain access to the editable master document. Any IFJA member may propose changes or additions to the bylaws. Minor changes that do not affect the spirit or intent of the bylaws, such as grammatical changes, may be made with notification via a form, but changes (including rule additions or repeals) can only be made with a ⅔ vote of the member body.

    2. Nomination sheet maintenance. At least one IFJA member will be responsible for creating and organizing a shared document for the purposes of submitting films and credits for consideration for annual awards. These members will ensure that the document is kept in working order and is made accessible to all members. These members will also ensure submissions to the nomination sheet follow proper guidelines and format.

  6. Membership / Admission

    1. At least one IFJA member will be responsible for fielding and officially responding to applications for membership on behalf of the organization. Their email address will be listed as the destination for incoming applications on the IFJA website. They will also be responsible for communicating the voting body’s decision — acceptance or rejection — to any applicant. 

  7. Committees. When the group deems it necessary, IFJA members may establish committees composed of IFJA member volunteers to solve specific issues, explore new rules or procedures, or for any other procedural reason they deem necessary. Committees should be no fewer than 3, no more than 5 members, and, when applicable, they will perform the duties of the committees and present recommendations to the larger group for ratification. The larger group is not required to adhere to the recommendation if the committee, but generally should abide by their decisions.  


  1. Annual Meeting. The IFJA's annual meeting is generally held for the purposes of discussing organizational policies / bylaws (as applicable) and deliberating ahead of final voting on year-end awards. Members are strongly encouraged to attend this annual meeting and must notify the chair of the membership committee if they are not going to be in attendance. Even if a member does not attend the annual meeting, they are expected to fulfill organizational duties by casting votes for year-end awards ahead of the meeting time and being available on the day of the meeting for any additional voting to break ties.

    1. This meeting can be held virtually or in-person, with a virtual option made available for in-person meetings to those restricted by distance.

    2. When:  The meeting is generally held in mid-December at a time and place deliberated upon by members. 

    3. Awards: Awards voting takes place at/immediately after the meeting, and ballots are usually counted immediately after the meeting is adjourned. Members who cannot attend the meeting may submit ballots in absentia. 


  1. Categories. Awards are granted for the winner and runner-up for the following categories: Best Picture, Best Animated Film, Best Foreign Language Film, Best Documentary Film, Best Original Screenplay, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Director, Best Lead Performance, Best Supporting Performance, Best Vocal / Motion Capture Performance, Best Ensemble Acting, Best Musical Score, Breakout of the Year, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Best Stunt / Movement Choreography, and Original Vision. Eight ( 8 ) other films are voted as Finalists for Best Film. Along with the winner and runner-up, they represent the IFJA’s selection as the top ten (10) movies of the year. The IFJA also votes for the Edward Johnson-Ott Hoosier Award. Named after founding IFJA member and longstanding NUVO Newsweekly critic Edward Johnson-Ott, this award is meant to signify a significant cinematic contribution by a person or persons with Indiana roots. As a special award, no runner-up is declared.

  2. Nomination Process

    1. Top Ten. Consists of Best Picture winner and runner-up, and eight other finalists chosen through voting, as outlined below. Any member can make nominations in any category, beginning January 1 of a calendar year through one (1) week prior to the date of the annual meeting. 

    2. Nominees qualify for finalist consideration when at least five (5) IFJA members indicate approval by adding their initials to the official nomination form. Categorical exceptions to qualify for finalist consideration are as follows:

      1. Best Documentary, which requires three (3) member initials to qualify

      2. Best Foreign Language Film, which requires three (3) member initials to qualify

      3. The Edward Johnson-Ott Hoosier Award, which requires three (3) member initials to qualify

    3. There will be a cap of ten (10) individual members’ initials on any one qualifying nomination.

    4. There will also be a cap of ten (10) final nominees from which to choose winners in all categories except Best Film, which will have up to twenty (20) final nominees.

      1. If the number of qualifying nominations in a category is below its cap at the nomination deadline, those are the final nominees.

      2. If the number of qualifying nominations in a category exceeds its cap at the nomination deadline:

        1. Any qualifying nomination at or above eight ( 8 ) initials is an automatic final nominee.

          1. In the event that more than ten (10) qualifying nominations in one category have more than eight ( 8 ) initials at the nomination deadline, an exception will be made to increase the number of final nominees in that category.

        2. Any remaining final nominee spots will then be filled in descending order by qualifying nominations below eight ( 8 ) initials until the category’s cap is reached.

        3. If the category’s nominee cap is still exceeded after this process, each member will receive an electronic ballot and a deadline by which to submit choices for the remaining final nominee spots. Top vote-getters, in descending order, will fill all applicable remaining final nominee spots.

          1. For example: There are six (6) remaining qualifying nominations in a category but only three (3) remaining final nominee spots. Each member picks their three (3) favorites from those six (6) qualifying nominations, and the three (3) qualifying nominations that garner the most total votes by the deadline become final nominees.

      3. Once this process is complete, the final nominees are determined and the process to vote for winners will commence.

      4. Lead/Supporting Performance: An IFJA member can nominate a performance in the category they feel best suits its designation in a film (i.e., Lead or Supporting). Should the same performance qualify as a nomination finalist in both categories, active IFJA members will be given two days (2) to vote on the category in which it will be publicly listed and  considered for awards. The majority decision will determine the category in which the performance is considered.

  3. Adding, Deleting, or Amending Categories

    1. Addition, deletion or amendment of awards categories is at the discretion of active IFJA members. Any such action would only be taken after at least two (2) weeks of discussion among active members and a majority vote from all active members.

  4. Voting

    1. LOCATION. Voting takes place at the Annual Meeting, which may be held in person or remotely at a time specified in advance of the meeting. Voting takes place in an agreed-upon format, and ballots are created and distributed in an agreed-upon format and manner.  

    2. BALLOTING. For all categories, members can cast first, second, and third-place votes in all categories, worth three (3), two (2), and one (1) point(s), respectively. For Best Film, members select a winner and two runners-up, then may choose up to seven (7) additional films to round out the Top Ten (10) via "chits," which count only toward the eight (8) remaining Finalists for Best Film that would constitute the IFJA’s annual Top Ten (10). Members must vote in the correct order on the ballot (i.e. members may not cast a second-place vote unless they have cast a first-place vote,, or a third-place vote unless they've cast a first- and second-place vote).

    3. ABSTAINING. Members may abstain from any categories they deem necessary for any reason. However, active members may not abstain from voting altogether and must submit a complete ballot, defined as having at least one vote in more than half of the categories. Members who do not cast a vote are subject to terms and conditions of inactive membership.

                                                                                                                    Article 7: DISCIPLINE

  1. Inactive Membership: Members are expected to abide by IFJA bylaws. Violation of bylaws can result in the member being placed on inactive status (with conditions to be determined) or expulsion upon a vote of the entire membership.

    1. Not meeting requirements defined as: failing to meet minimum requirements of production; failure to follow IFJA rules and standards of conduct. 

      1. New or non-compliant members may also be assigned non-voting probationary status until such time as the issue is resolved.

    2. Probation Period (majority)

      1. Members may collectively place another member on probation as a sanction for violating a rule or failing to meet membership requirements. Probation can include restriction or suspension of voting rights in a given year. 

      2. Probation would be evaluated by the letter of the bylaws.

      3. Quorum is required for probation, defined as a majority vote.

      4. Probation will be communicated to the member by the Secretary. Communication may be done in writing or via electronic submission (i.e. email, text, or other accepted online platform).

    3. Expulsion

      1. Definition: Members who continuously are not meeting probation requirements, repeatedly and/or egregiously violate IFJA bylaws, may be expelled by the group. Those who are expelled will have their membership withdrawn, their names removed from IFJA communications, and will have all membership rights and responsibilities removed permanently.

      2. The IFJA recognizes the importance of diversity of thought and opinion. However, the group has professional standards to adhere to, and as such, any member who engages in discourse that could be construed as hate speech in a public-facing forum (including public appearances, social media, or any places where they are representing the IFJA in any capacity) or otherwise engages in behavior inconsistent with the expectations of the IFJA can be subject to immediate expulsion from the group with a 2/3 vote.  

      3. Quorum is required to expel a member. Quorum is defined for expulsion as no less than ⅔ of active membership.

      4. Expulsion will be communicated to the member by the Secretary. Communication may be done in writing or via electronic submission (i.e. email, text, or other accepted online platform).

      5. If accused of improper actions requiring disciplinary action up to or including expulsion from the group, the member will have the opportunity to speak on their own behalf in advance of a vote to discipline or expel. Such members have no more than two weeks to respond and speak on their own behalf before a vote. 

                                                                                                                            ARTICLE 8: AMENDMENTS

  1. Amendment change proposal

    1. New rule proposals can be introduced by any active IFJA member at any time during the year. However, most rule or process changes will be actively heard and voted on formally in the first half of the year in order to prevent confusion as we enter the busier second half of the year. 

    2. New rules or process changes can be raised during an IFJA discussion, formally proposed to a small-group committee of the choosing of the person raising the issue (with five to seven days to discuss), presented to the group (with three to seven days to discuss), then put to a vote (with five to seven days to vote). Most rule votes pass with a majority vote.

    3. The new rule and process will be enacted immediately upon ratification by a majority of IFJA members, unless stipulated during a discussion during the discussion/voting process, or if it is otherwise impractical to enact immediately (i.e. a change in a process after that process has began for the year).